This semester, I will be in Wallace Atrium from 9:30-11:30 every Monday morning.
If you happen to notice the time stamp on this blog post, you'll notice that I *should* be in my office hours right now! However, I am preparing for several classes today, the first of which starts in just about 30 minutes, so I am not going to be making it over to Wallace this morning. However, with the exception of the following dates, I will be in Wallace Atrium every Monday through the first week of May. Because of conference presentations and other commitments, I will not be holding office hours on the following dates:
Monday, February 20
Monday, March 19
Monday, April 9
Monday, April 16
Despite being unavailable on these four dates, I am always available by appointment, so don't hesitate to contact me. This semester, I will also be posting when I will be staffing the 4th floor (SciTech) Reference Desk in Newman Library, which should give you more opportunities to ask me all of your burning research- (and other) related questions!