Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blogging National Nutrition Month

If you look in the upper right hand corner of this blog, you should notice a widget that appeared there about two weeks ago [Update:  widget was removed in April 2011, after National Nutrition Month 2011 passed].  When I added the widget, I wrote a post that briefly mentioned it, and indicated that I would write more about it in March.  Well, it's March, so I can now officially introduce the month-long project that this blog will be participating in.

March is National Nutrition Month (NNM), and, to celebrate/educate, eatright.org is hosting a variety of activities, one of which is a blog festival.  To participate, food and nutrition bloggers need to write posts that address the theme "Eat Right With Color."  Although Notes from Newman often contains information beyond food or nutrition, participating in the NNM blog festival seemed like a great way to get students involved in the blog-writing process, which is exactly what we've done.

A few weeks, ago, I talked with HNFE 3224:  Communicating With Food, about blogging and other types of social information.  Along with the instructor, Heather Cox, I developed an extra credit opportunity for the students to write and submit blog posts relating to the the theme "Eat Right With Color."  Throughout the month of March, Notes from Newman will be publishing these posts, each one attributed to the student who wrote it.  All posts will be tagged with National Nutrition Month and Eat Right With Color, along with two other tags that the students suggested based on the content of their post.  Additionally, eatright.org will put this blog on their NNM blogroll!

So, stay tuned for a very exciting month, here at Notes from Newman.  If you have other suggestions for guest posts, or series of posts, like we'll be doing for NNM throughout the month of March, just let me know!

To read more about National Nutrition Month and this project, visit the official site:  http://www.eatright.org/nnm/


  1. If we plan to be on a diet, today is the best time to start because it's National Nutrition Month. Thanks for sharing that information.

  2. I think this time people are more interested to celebrate this month. I am also heavily interested in.

  3. March is my favorite month for me. I really enjoy this month with full of joy because its a National Nutrition Month, and this time for celebration.
