Monday, March 12, 2012

Less is More!

Written by Brooke Kuhn
Part of National Nutrition Month 2012

The old saying is true, at least when it comes to eating healthy. Most of us know that eating smaller portions throughout the day is better for you than three large meals, but what many people don’t know is that eating those small portions might be harder than you think! Research shows that compared to 20 years ago, people are eating larger servings, both at home and eating out. But why? Are people hungrier now than they were 20 years ago? Well, it seems that cup and plate sizes are the culprit.

Dinner plates at restaurants have increased from 10 inches across to 12 inches. This may seem insignificant, but that increase allows for 25% more food on a person’s plate! People are getting more food, which means more calories, and they don’t even know it. But don’t worry- the threat of the growing plate can be avoided. The key is to eat slowly, and take time to enjoy your food. This gives your body more time to realize you’re full, so you will eat less and avoid that uncomfortable feeling of over eating. Eat until you feel satisfied, NOT until you’ve cleaned your plate.

Also, always keep in mind the My Plate food guide to make sure you’re getting the right amounts of the food groups. About half your plate should be fruits and vegetables, with a quarter for grains and a quarter of meat or other protein. So remember, when it comes to portion sizes and serving yourself, less is more.

Associated Press.  (2006, December 6).  Portion sizes growing with American waistlines. Retrieved from

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  (2012).  Food, nutrition and health tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Retrieved from

Davis, C. (Photographer). (2011). Birdseye vegetable chicken plate. [Photograph]. Retrieved from

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